In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

18/12/2017 - Cutting through transportation complexity at lightning speed
15/12/2017 - Dos profesores de Arquitectura de la UA ganan por cuarta vez el concurso internacional EUROPAN
11/12/2017 - Desarrollan nuevos catalizadores que aumentan el valor de los productos obtenidos de la biomasa
06/12/2017 - Research Headlines - Pioneering citizen manifesto for secure, clean energy
05/12/2017 - Research Headlines - New tool to help urban planners prepare for climate change
04/12/2017 - Research Headlines - Making cities more sustainable with better wastewater management
01/12/2017 - Imprime tu ciudad: conversión de residuos plásticos en mobiliario urbano mediante la impresión 3D
20/11/2017 - BASF brings multiple-award-winning magazine â??Corpus â?? Constructing Tomorrowâ? onto the Web
19/11/2017 -  BASF brings multiple-award-winning magazine “Corpus – Constructing Tomorrow” onto the Web
16/11/2017 - Print Your City! Turns Plastic Waste Into 3D-Printed Street Furniture
15/11/2017 - Research Headlines - Nature has the solutions, but still needs help
15/11/2017 - Revaluetech Supply Polymer Composite Rail Sleepers and Bearers for UK Metro, Urban and Light Rail Projects
14/11/2017 - Keep America Beautiful, Zephyrhills increase recycling access across Florida
01/11/2017 - ICM releases IERC 2018 conference program
30/10/2017 - New EU Communication on procurement professionalisation
30/10/2017 - Applications open for UrbanWINS CityMatch Exchange visits
30/10/2017 - 2017 Procura+ Awards finalists announced
30/10/2017 - EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK 2017 breaks participation record
30/10/2017 - Survey launched on health effects of blue spaces in urban areas
30/10/2017 - Bristol annual event returns to explore the health and sustainability of the city
News: 1430 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery