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The final InnProBio newsletter is now available

The sixth and final edition of the InnProBio newsletter is now available on the InnProBio website. The newsletter includes updates on the project's activities, together with news related to the topic of bio-based products and services and upcoming events.

This edition features the InnProBio Handbook now available in four new languages, includes details of two bio-based events, namely a Dutch event on the standardisation process of bio-based products and a market dialogue event organised in Lodz (Poland). Furthermore, the newsletter introduces to the EU funded project BIOCANNDO, working on bio-based products and awareness raising, the new EU Plastic Strategy, and informs about the release of new factsheets to support bio-based procurement. It finally includes relevant upcoming events.

To read the latest newsletter, visit the newsletter section of the website.

» Source: Innovation Procurement

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