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Green Electronics Council releases Social Procurement guidance

The Green Electronics Council (GEC) has released guidance on social procurement in the ICT sector. Entitled Purchasers' Guide for Addressing Labor and Human Rights Impacts in IT Procurements, the guidance is intended to be applied globally, and takes account of workers' and human rights legislation in various countries, including the USA, the UK and France.

The guide lists ten 'expectations of institutional purchasers' with regard to human rights, identifying aspects of due diligence which public procurers should be taking into consideration when purchasing goods and services. For each expectation, the guide sets out baseline and best practices and signposts to implementing relevant criteria, legislation and topic-specific guidance.

GEC is a non-profit organisation associated with eco-labelling in the IT sector. The guide aims to assist procurers in introducing labour and human rights related performance criteria in technical specifications, supplier selection and procurement award criteria, as well as in-contract performance clauses.

For more information and to download the Purchasers' Guide, visit the Green Electronics Council website.

Image copyright: Image ( by "PublicDomainPictures", licensed under CC0 Public Domain

» Source: Innovation Procurement

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