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Freiburg hosts first meeting of ICLEI European REXCom 2018-2021

Last week Freiburg (Germany) played host to the first meeting of the ICLEI European Regional Executive Committee (REXCom) 2018-2021.

The REXCom represents ICLEI members from across Europe and serves for a three-year term.

The current REXCom is comprised of: à…sa Karlsson Bjà¶rkmarker, representing Và¤xjච(Sweden); Anna-Kaisa Heinà¤mà¤ki, Deputy Mayor, Tampere (Finland); Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence (Italy); Magdalena Piasecka, Deputy Mayor, WrocÅ‚aw (Poland); and, Dr Dieter Salomon, Mayor of Freiburg (Germany).

REXCom members were welcomed to the City of Freiburg on 7 February by Mayor and fellow REXCom member, Dr Dieter Salomon. Mayor Salomon reflected on the long history between ICLEI and Freiburg and shared his enthusiasm to serve on the committee, saying: "It is only possible to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement through the work and commitment of Mayors and local leaders."

The initial meeting served as the European preparation for the ICLEI Strategic Plan, which will be approved at the ICLEI World Congress in June

For more information about the REXCom, visit the Executive Committee section of our website. more   12 February 2018 ICLEI Europe expands its topical reach and workforceThe European Secretariat of ICLEI "“ Local Governments for Sustainability has announced that it will recruit around 15 new members of staff, expanding its total workforce and strengthening the organisation's topical reach.

The recruitment drive will see each of ICLEI Europe's three offices gain staff members: the organisation's headquarters in Freiburg (Germany); the ICLEI Europe Brussels Office, located close to the institutions of the European Union in the heart of the Belgian capital; and the newly-opened Berlin office, which provides a close connection with German political life.

The new positions cover a wide-range of thematic areas within the field of sustainability, including sustainable energy and climate action planning, financing and investment solutions, innovative governance and management models for natural and cultural heritage, climate change mitigation and adaptation, planning and provision of sustainable mobility solutions, procurement and achieving a sustainable economy, and more. There are also positions focused on communicating the work of ICLEI.

"This is an exciting period of growth for ICLEI Europe, and we look forward to recruiting exceptional candidates to join our team. This enlargement period will enable us to increase support to our Member cities across the region, helping them to meet their sustainability goals, improve the liveability of their urban areas, and tackle crucial challenges," said ICLEI Regional Director for Europe Wolfgang Teubner.

Further details of available positions - including application deadlines - are available on the ICLEI Europe jobs page. Applications are reviewed continuously upon arrival, so application as soon as possible is advisable. more

» Publication Date: 13/02/2018

» Source: Iclei Europe

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