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European Commission December GPP news alert online now

The December edition of the European Commission's GPP news alert is now available online. The latest issue opens with the Green Deals initiative on Circular Procurement, which was recently launched in Flanders (Belgium). 101 procurers are already on board to test out new approaches to procurement.

This month's interview features the Dr Nina Nesterova from TNO (the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), on the BuyZET project's approach for mapping the most emissions-intensive procurement categories from transport activities in three big cities "“ Rotterdam, Copenhagen and Oslo.

The GPP News Alert good practice cases for December present the approaches and achievements of two 2017 Procura+ Awards winners: reusing and refurbishing furniture in a new office, from Public Health Wales (UK); and the purchase of towels, wash cloths and overalls made from recycled post-consumer textile fibres by the Dutch Ministry of Defence.

For more information and to download the newsletter, visit the European Commission's DG Environment GPP website.

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» Source: Innovation Procurement

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