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GPP and innovation procurement identified in EU's Plastics Strategy

The European Commission's Plastics Strategy released in January 2018 identifies Green Public Procurement (GPP) as a tool for reducing plastic waste, and highlights the role GPP criteria can play in improving the recyclability of plastics. The strategy also recommends that national, regional and local authorities should make greater use of public procurement to support plastic waste prevention and recycling of plastics.

The strategy, which has been proposed to the other European Institutions in an official Communication, aims to play a major role in the transition towards a circular economy. The multi-pronged approach includes additional investment in innovation and guidance as to what public authorities can do - including the strategic use of public procurement - to produce innovative solutions dealing with hazardous substances and contaminants from recycled plastics.

Seen as a follow-on from the 2015 Circular Economy package, the Plastics Strategy is expected to form a central part of the EU's contributions to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement objectives on climate change.

For more information, visit the European Commission's website.

Image copyright: Image ( by "derneuemann", licensed under CC0 Public Domain

» Source: Innovation Procurement

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