Complete list of activities for the dissemination of the LIFE FUTURE PROJECT

[15/11/2019] - The Guf Tool within the Life Future Project
The European project LIFE FUTURE aimed to enhance the green public procurement of urban furniture products through the implementation of specific environmental criteria. With this aim, an online tool was developed to select criteria and assess the environmental impact of different urban furniture products: the GUF TOOL (“Green Urban Furniture Tool”).


[06/09/2019] - Second life for plastic
Aimplas has bollards and a 100% recycled material bench in its facilities, implemented within the framework of the LIFE FUTURE project. The company CMPLASTIK contributes to a Circular Economy and revalues the use of plastic with this type of furniture.  


[17/07/2019] - Open day: Implementation of environmental criteria in public tenders
The aim of this conference is to present and share examples of good practice in relation to the introduction of these environmental criteria that are good references for both, administration and companies that work or aspire to work in the public sphere. Vicente Vert, Aimplas researcher, presented the "Guf Tool" for the LIFE FUTURE project.    
[Download] - [External Link]


[31/01/2019] - Cities with sustainable furniture with the LIFE FUTURE project
REDIT, in its monthly communication channel, talks about the innovative application that the Aimplas researcher, Vicente Vert, has created for the LIFE FUTURE project in order to create more environmentally sustainable furniture and also serves as a guide for the bidding process.  
- [External Link]


[28/01/2019] - LIFE FUTURE project described as digital paper
LIFE FUTURE project was selected for a digital paper included in the communications of the IV Congress Smart Cities held in Madrid, Spain
On May 30 and 31, 2018, the 4th Smart Cities Congress was held in the La Nave space of the Madrid City Council. The event brought together more than 400 professionals who discussed the current and future of Smart Cities and Territories in Spain. LIFE FUTURE project was selected for a communication (only in Spanish) at ESMARTCITY, the main online media about Smart Cities.
- [External Link]


[01/01/2019] - Sustainable urban furniture in Croatia
  Koprivnica City Council in Croatia is one of the participating partners of the LIFE FUTURE project and one of the first to use the "GUF TOOL". The council was an active beneficiary of the process to demonstrate green public procurement through use of the tool and was also responsible for translating the contents into Croatian.    


[01/01/2019] - GUF TOOL: The tool to evaluate environmental criteria in urban furniture
GUF TOOL is an online tool that allows you to select criteria and evaluate environmental impacts of different urban furniture products, in a simple way but with the rigor of a scientific methodology. It was created by the Aimplas researcher, Vicente Vert, for the LIFE FUTURE project.      


[29/11/2018] - LIFE FUTURE Capacity Building Seminars in València, Spain
Green Public Procurement through the GUF Tool explained in dedicated Capacity Building Seminars in Spain
Along October and December, Las Naves organised two capacity building seminars for providing information on green public procurement to personnel responsible of public purchase thought the use of the GUF Tool in València


[29/11/2018] - LIFE FUTURE Capacity Building Seminars in Koprivnica, Croatia
Green Public Procurement through the GUF Tool explained in dedicated Capacity Building Seminars in Croatia
Along November, City Council of Koprivnica organised two capacity building seminars for providing information on green public procurement to personnel responsible of public purchase thought the use of the GUF Tool in Koprivnica


[26/11/2018] - CONAMA 2018 in Madrid, Spain
LIFE FUTURE project was exhibited at the 14th Spanish National Congress on Environment CONAMA 2018
The congress is organized by the Conama Foundation, a Spanish, independent and non-profit organization that, in line with the ODS-17, acts as a sustainability hub in Spain, with the mission of contributing to create solid alliances between governments, the private sector and civil society to achieve sustainable development. This year's edition has the motto Rumbo 20.30, and with it the organisers want to send a message to the whole society to accelerate the ecological transition and towards sustainability. LIFE FUTURE project poster was displayed during the Congress.
- [External Link]


[13/11/2018] - LIFE FUTURE Final Meeting at AIMPLAS facilities, Spain
The LIFE FUTURE project is coming to an end. The partners held the Final Meeting at AIMPLAS facilities in Paterna. 


[11/11/2018] - La plaça canvia per clima! In València, SPAIN
LIFE FUTURE project was presented at the València City Council square in a climate action
Fundació Observatori del Canvi Climàtic in València planned a month of activities focused on the fight against climate change. In the closure event, held at the València City Council main square, promoted by the Department of Renewable Energies and Climate Change of the València City Council in collaboration with Las Naves and València Clima i Energia, several activities in areas such as ecological and proximity food, energy efficiency, renewable energy or the reduction of solid waste were conducted in a great "playful and informative" event. LIFE FUTURE project leaflets and video were present during the whole event. In the link you can find a video for all projects presented, where LIFE FUTURE project is described from minute 1:12 (texts only in valencian language)
- [External Link]


[05/11/2018] - GUF Tool methodology is presented
TOPSIS methodology used for the background calculation for the GUF Tool is fully described in a scientific paper
UJI has written a scientific paper which has been approved to be published on the Elsevier’s Sustainable Cities and Society journal: Method based on life cycle assessment and TOPSIS to integrate environmental award criteria into green public procurement. You can download a copy for a limited time if you wish to discover how the GUF Tool calculates the environmental impacts for Urban Furniture products in GPP
- [External Link]


[23/10/2018] - Plastics and Circular Economy in Madrid, Spain
LIFE FUTURE project was exhibited at the “Plastics and Circular Economy: Sustainability and recycling” seminar
AIMPLAS and CICLOPLAST organised the fourth edition of the seminar on Plastics and Circular Economy. This IV edition is a reference at national level as a meeting point between Public Administrations, and all the actors of the value chain of the Plastic (producers of raw material, transformers, recyclers, distributors, shops and consumers) to discuss what is the role of each actor to achieve the objectives set by the Plastics Strategy. An essential forum to analyse the challenges of the future and the barriers and opportunities for companies. LIFE FUTURE project poster was displayed during the seminar.
- [External Link]


[30/09/2018] - New notice boards for LIFE FUTURE project
LIFE FUTURE project consortium updated Notice Boards with new links ad new design
Notice boards for the LIFE FUTURE projects were updated and posted on the offices of the beneficiaries for continuing showing the benefits for using the GUF Tool in Green Public Procurement processes


[24/08/2018] - First real procurement using the GUF TOOL in València, SPAIN
City of València install 71 benches being purchased using the GUF TOOL
València has conducted the first real Green Public Procurement using the GUF TOOL developed under the LIFE FUTURE project. València City Council purchased 71 benches made of recycled plastic by means of the GUF TOOL methodology. Environmental criteria were selected and fulfilled for the benches. These benches were installed along the City of València. They are tagged in a GoogleMaps map.
- [External Link]


[09/05/2018] - Infoday Regional PROGRAMA LIFE 2018 in València
Results from LIFE FUTURE project are presented
AIMPLAS presented both information and updated results for the LIFE FUTURE project in a dedicated session for LIFE projects’ results, as a part of the meeting held in València for presenting the 2018 new call for the LIFE Program
[Download] - [External Link]


[12/02/2018] - GUF Tool DEMO version
LIFE FUTURE project launches the GUF Tool DEMO version
LIFE FUTURE GUF Tool is now ready to use at its DEMO online version, for those interested in implementing environmental criteria on Urban Furniture products. Public administrations have now a tool for easy creating documentation to be included in the public procurement tenders for Urban Furniture products presenting environmental criteria. Manufacturers and suppliers have now a tool for easy identifying the compliance requirements for their Urban Furniture products to be evaluated with environmental criteria. Please check it out and make use of the Quick Start Guide. Do not hesitate to give us feed-back.
[Download] - [External Link]


[29/11/2017] - CONAMA Local 2017 in València, Spain
AIMPLAS presented LIFE FUTURE project at the “Public, sustainable, green and innovative purchase” session
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project on a dedicated speech under the “Public, sustainable, green and innovative purchase” session at CONAMA local conference held in València. In this session new Spanish Acts concerning Green Public Procurement were also presented.
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[07/11/2017] - 2017 Ecomondo fair in Rimini, Italy
ACR+ showed LIFE FUTURE project activities at its stand in Ecomondo fair
ACR+ was present at Ecomondo, the leading Euro-Mediterranean area green and circular economy expo. Ecomondo is an international event gathering together all sectors of the circular economy in a single fair: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. ACR+ took part in several workshops to share news about its activities and to connect with stakeholders in view of future projects and spread LIFE FUTURE leaflets at its informative stand.
- [External Link]


[18/10/2017] - Conference on Innovation Procurement in Tallinn, Estonia
INNDEA spread LIFE FUTURE activities during the conference
As part of the Conference on Innovation Procurement, the Panel discussion on the link between innovation and green procurement took place. INNDEA distributed LIFE FUTURE project leaflets at the information desk dedicated to, and it also showed the project progresses during networking activities.
- [External Link]


[10/10/2017] - 2017 European Week of Regions Conference - Circular Cities: helping cities and regions to implement the circular economy in Brussels, Belgium
ACR+ presented LIFE FUTURE as a best practice to facilitate the introduction of green clauses in public procurement procedures.
ACR+ was part of the main panel of the conference and it shortly presented LIFE FUTURE as a best practice to facilitate the introduction of green clauses in public procurement procedures. Indeed, officers from Sardinia Region and representatives of the LIFE GPPBest project were really interested in the project and in the GUF Tool.
- [External Link]


[04/10/2017] - EQUIPLAST the international plastics and rubber event in Barcelona, Spain
AIMPLAS showed LIFE FUTURE project activities at its stand in EQUIPLAST
AIMPLAS distributed LIFE FUTURE leaflets in the booth it had in EQUIPLAST trade fair for plastics manufacturers. In addition, networking with companies that attended the AIMPLAS stand was reached
- [External Link]


[28/09/2017] - Promotional video
LIFE FUTURE project is promoted in a video
Las Naves | Ajuntament de València made a promotional video for presenting LIFE FUTURE project and the benefits of Green Public Procurement. Please use English subtitles if necessary.
- [External Link]


[22/09/2017] - LIFE platform meeting-plastics in a circular economy in Athens, Greece
AIMPLAS attended the LIFE platform meeting with LIFE FUTURE project activities
AIMPLAS distributed LIFE FUTURE leaflets at this event where a selection of specifics projects from different LIFE thematic areas were presented for two days. They discussed about the role of plastics in a circular economy, the role of LIFE projects and their role in supporting the relevant EU policies.
- [External Link]


[12/09/2017] - 2017 PPI4Waste Final conference in Brussels, Belgium
LIFE FUTURE project has been presented during ACR+ speech at the conference
ACR+ shortly presented main objectives and outcomes from LIFE FUTURE project during its speech at the PPI4Waste project final conference event, gathering public procurers and suppliers committed to boost innovation in the waste sector. Public procurement of innovation (PPI) was at the heart of every discussion during the “Feedback and opportunities for public procurement of innovation in the waste sector” session. In addition, ACR+ reached local and regional public officers through an informative stand presenting LIFE FUTURE through the dissemination of project informative materials, and inviting them to become project stakeholders.
- [External Link]


[17/07/2017] - Meeting with researchers from Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit in Castelló de la Plana, Spain
UJI presented LIFE FUTURE project to researchers from Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit (México) in a meeting
UJI made a presentation of the LIFE FUTURE project at the meeting session, focussed on explaining the LIFE FUTURE project and to look for synergies with other kind of projects with the Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, whose researchers visit UJI. Each attendant received a LIFE FUTURE leaflet. Then everyone had the chance to analyse and inquire about the project.


[22/05/2017] - Celebration of the 25 years of LIFE support for GPP policies (on-line conference)
AIMPLAS conducted an on-line conference presenting LIFE FUTURE project  
AIMPLAS presented the technical conference “FUTURE - Sustainable Urban FUrniTURE experience in promoting GPP through LIFE” at the on-line event organized by LIFE project GPPbest, Fondazione Ecosistemi and its institutional partners: Region Basilicata, Region Sardegna, Region Lazio and Romanian Ministry of Environment, to celebrate the support that LIFE programme offered in the last two decades for the dissemination and deployment of GPP.
[Download] - [External Link]


[18/05/2017] - 2017 EWWR Award conference in Barcelona, Spain
ACR+ presented LIFE FUTURE project during the European Week for Waste Reduction conference  
ACR+ reached local and regional public officers through an informative stand at the EWWR award ceremony that took place in the framework of the international conference “Qualitative prevention, a new approach towards the circular economy”, presenting LIFE FUTURE through the dissemination of project informative materials, and inviting them to become project stakeholders.
- [External Link]


[09/05/2017] - LIFE Programme workshop in Zagreb, Croatia
City of Koprivnica was invited to present LIFE FUTURE project at the workshop organized by the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection  
Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection invited to City of Koprivnica to present the project LIFE FUTURE at the workshop, in order to inform the public about a project financed from LIFE programme and to present experiences in preparation and implementation stage.
[Download] - [External Link]


[27/04/2017] - Circular economy day: the road to recycling targets 2020-2030 in Lliria, Valencia, Spain
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project with a dedicated speech
AIMPLAS conducted the Technical conference “LIFE FUTURE:
Herramientas de ayuda en la compra pública verde” (LIFE FUTURE: Tools to aid in the green public procurement) at the municipality day "Circular Economy: The Road to Recycling Targets 2020-2030" organized by The Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) and the Consortium Valencia Interior (CVI), in collaboration with the City Council of Llíria. LIFE FUTURE leaflets were also provided.
[Download] - [External Link]


[30/03/2017] - PRS Europe 2017 – Plastics Recycling Show in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
AIMPLAS showed the LIFE FUTURE project at the pan European exhibition and conference within its exhibition booth
AIMPLAS attended the PRS pan European exhibition and conference with an exhibition booth, where leaflets of LIFE FUTURE project were distributed to the attendants, belonging mainly to the plastics recycling industry. Networking was also conducted with all the people visiting the booth.
- [External Link]


[25/01/2017] - LIFE MED International workshop on circular economy and e-waste in Brescia, Italy
AIMPLAS presented LIFE FUTURE while presenting URBANREC project
AIMPLAS participated in the LIFE MED workshop invited to talk about URBANREC project. Then it has the opportunity to briefly present LIFE FUTURE project to the attendants. LIFE FUTURE leaflets were also distributed and networking with other centers was also conducted.  
- [External Link]


[13/12/2016] - Networking LIFE+ CO2Formare (LIFE 13/ENV/ES/000426) in Castelló de la Plana, Spain
UJI distributed LIFE FUTURE leaflets to the attendants of the meeting
UJI participated in the meeting for presenting some LIFE+ projects in which the Autonomous Community of Valencia has representation. LIFE FUTURE project was not presented directly, but leaflets were distributed, and face-to-face explanation was done by UJI.
- [External Link]


[16/11/2016] - CEPPI2 project meeting: Energy efficiency through innovation procurement in Valencia, Spain
INNDEA Valencia explained LIFE FUTURE project to its partners of the meeting held in Valencia
INNDEA Valencia presented and explained LIFE FUTURE project to CEPPI consortium partners on the meeting. Leaflets were also distributed during the consortium meeting.
- [External Link]


[28/10/2016] - BIMEXPO 2016 in Madrid, Spain
UJI networked with stakeholders for finding synergies with LIFE FUTURE activities
UJI used the event to get in touch with Bimetica and different stakeholders involved in BIM strategies. UJI deepened on the possibility that the GUF tool was able to work with BIM format information, for getting a quicker and easier to use software.
- [External Link]


[14/10/2016] - 2016 Procura+ Seminar in Rome, Italy
Valencia presented LIFE FUTURE project within a presentation about green and innovative procurement

INNDEA Valencia participated in a roundtable session presenting the procurement activities that Valencia city is developing, including its achievements and challenges. In addition, INNDEA leaded an open discussion regarding innovation procurement. LIFE FUTTURE project was one of the projects presented in this roundtable.
- [External Link]


[12/10/2016] - European Week of regions and Cities in Brussels, Belgium
LIFE FUTURE project has been presented by AIMPLAS in a speech dedicated to LIFE projects
AIMPLAS presented LIFE FUTURE project in the technical conference “LIFE projects contributing to boost a regional circular economy – the example of the Valencia Region” during the Workshop (nº INV12A93) “EU LIFE programme: a chance for green business, innovation and job creation preserving the environment”. This workshop forms part of the European Week of Cities and Regions 2016 and it is also the 8th meeting of the CoR/EC Technical Platform for Cooperation on the Environment, to contribute to the application of the EU environmental legislation. Leaflets of LIFE FUTURE were also distributed.
[Download] - [External Link]


[11/10/2016] - 11th International Metnet Seminar and Conference in Castelló de la Plana, Spain
UJI presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at 11th International Metnet Seminar and Conference in Castelló de la Plana.
The purpose of METNET-network is to bring together different European R&D and training organizations to develop new products and services to support innovative processes in companies working in the field of metallic construction and industry. In this context it was showed and explained the poster of the Life Future Project and several leaflets were distributed to the visitors
[Download] - [External Link]


[07/10/2016] - SEMINAR: “New strategies for municipal waste management & initiatives for the generation of economic, social and environmental value” in Valencia, Spain.
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project at seminar “New strategies for municipal waste management & initiatives for the generation of economic, social and environmental value.
The seminar was aimed at presenting initiatives, opportunities and projects related to waste management and green public procurement in municipalities within the Valencian region. AIMPLAS made a technical conference of “Green public procurement at the municipalities, new tools for its implementation. Presentation of LIFE FUTURE project.” Most of the attendees were mayors, councilors and public technicians. All of them showed a high interest in the project outcomes, and some of them expressed their interest in being stakeholders of the project (supporting the project by providing information, validating the tool once developed, disseminating the project, etc.). 
[Download] - [External Link]


[05/10/2016] - Networking session with the company Geredis in Castelló de la Plana, Spain
LIFE FUTURE project has been presented by UJI to the company Geredis aiming to find synergies
The purpose of the NETWORKING session is to know their proposals for future European project and to find similarities and relationships with the LIFE FUTURE Project. UJI made a short introduction of the LIFE FUTURE project and delivered leaflets to attendants. Then everyone had the chance to analyse and inquire about the project.
- [External Link]


[30/09/2016] - ECOFIRA 2016 – 14th International Fair on Environmental Solutions, Valencia (Spain).
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project at ECOFIRA 2016.
ECOFIRA is an international trade fair on environmental solutions and a meeting point where companies and government agencies present the latest advances in efficient environmental management. The event was useful to disseminate the scope and expected outcomes of LIFE FUTURE project among certain companies that attended the AIMPLAS stand. 
[Download] - [External Link]


[19/09/2016] - Sustainable mobility week in Castelló de la Plana, Spain.
UJI presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at Sustainable mobility week.
To spread to society of Castelló the solutions and measures in order to improve the sustainable mobility. To this end it was pushed a contest called “éBRICKbike” with the aim to develop ideas about how to generate energy with a bicycle. In this context and taking into account the proximity of the municipal authorities it was showed the roll up of the Life Future Project and several leaflets were distributed to the visitors
[Download] - [External Link]


[23/07/2016] - Workshop “Management of the life cycle into the construction and energy sectors”, in Madrid, Spain.
UJI presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at Workshop “Management of the life cycle into the construction and energy sectors”.
The purpose of this first annual Workshop of the esLCA net was to show the last researching works and improvements in terms of Life Cycle Assessment for the construction and energy sectors. During the presentation carried out by Sari Vidal, it was explained the participation in the Life Future project and its aim
- [External Link]


[15/07/2016] - 7th European Summit of Regions and Cities
ACR+ presented LIFE FUTURE and other of its public procurement projects in Bratislava in July 2016
ACR+ took part in the 7th European Summit of Regions and Cities held on 8 and 9 July 2016 in Bratislava. This event, organised by the Committee of the Regions, Bratislava municipality and Bratislava region focused on the need for investments and for better cross-border connections in order to unlock the growth potential offered by the rich diversity of Europe's regions. During the session "Investment in Motion" ACR+ made a video presentation about the activities of the Circular Europe Network, the PPI4Waste project on public procurement of innovation in the field of waste management and resource efficiency, and on the LIFE Future project about green public procurement for urban furniture.
[Download] - [External Link]


[14/07/2016] - Programa Life Infoday Regional in Valencia, Spain.
INNDEA presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at Programa Life Infoday.
The event was organised by the regional association of technological institutes with the aim of presenting the new call of proposals of LIFE +: its objectives, priorities, financial issues, etc. Part of the agenda was dedicated to show different Life projects approved in past years as good practices. InnDEA was invited to make a presentation of LIFE FUTURE Project as example of project focused on green procurement, explained to the audience highlighting the main objectives and expected results. The participants came from public bodies of Valencia.    
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[29/06/2016] - Taller práctico H2020: ENERGÍA SEGURA, LIMPIA Y EFICIENTE in Valencia, Spain
INNDEA presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at Taller práctico H2020: ENERGÍA SEGURA, LIMPIA Y EFICIENTE.
The Framework Program for Research and Innovation of the European Union Horizon 2020 had been accumulating for two and a half years, so it is time to take stock of the participation of companies and entities in the Valencian Community and its comparative in National level, as well as to identify the new opportunities in force between 2016 and 2017.  The attendees came from enterprises, researchers and other entities interested in participating in European R+D projects. They presented the LIFE FUTURE Project in the round table, where they had 15 minutes to explain the scope of the Project
[Download] - [External Link]


[29/06/2016] - 2nd vision 2020 Climate Helix Event in Valencia, Spain.
INNDEA presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at 2nd vision 2020 Climate Helix Event.
The objective of the event was to promote networking between researchers and business representatives in order to form consortia for the forthcoming Horizon 2020 funding opportunities. Inndea explained LIFE FUTURE Project for the city of Valencia giving information of the Project`s scope
[Download] - [External Link]


[16/06/2016] - SEMINAR: “Advanced composites in automotive sector” in San Sebastián, Spain
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project at seminar “Advanced composites in automotive sector”.
The conference was aimed at presenting the potential of advanced composites for increasing the energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impacts in automotive sector. AIMPLAS exposed a technical conference of “Carbon footprint reduction through the use of advanced composites”, where the LIFE FUTURE project was shown to disseminate the scope. Some of the attendees were related to public administrations, and they showed their interest in the project outcomes
[Download] - [External Link]


[15/06/2016] - Madrid International Town Planning and environment trade fair (TECMA) in Madrid, Spain
AIJU presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at Madrid Internationl Town Planning and environment trade fair (TECMA)
TECMA will focus on the proposals being developed by companies and entities in order to make cities more sustainable and with a better quality of life. Efficiency and sustainability are the main challenges the cities face.  Sustainable town planning: The organizations came from local government mayors and councilors, municipal technical experts. People AIJU explained and gave information to each exhibitor at the fair involved in environmental issues, including public administration. All the participants had the occasion to see the LIFE FUTURE poster and leaflets have been distributed.
[Download] - [External Link]


[18/05/2016] - LIFE programme workshop in Zagreb, Croatia.
Koprivnika presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at LIFE programme workshop.
Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection invited City of Koprivnica to make a presentation of LIFE FUTURE Project on the workshop, in order to inform the public about a project financed from LIFE programme and to make a presentation of experiences in preparation and implementation stage. Maja Balaško participated on a workshop and held the presentation about experiences in preparation and implementation of the project with a few practical tips for all those who are planning to implement LIFE projects


[17/05/2016] - SEMINAR: “Circular Economy: Waste as a resource” in Valencia, Spain
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project at seminar “Circular Economy: Waste as a resource”.
The seminar was aimed at presenting initiatives, opportunities and projects related to circular economy, waste, sustainability and innovation. AIMPLAS exposed a poster “LIFE FUTURE – Sustainable urban furniture: tool design for environmental assessments in the green procurement framework” to show the project. Most of the attendees were related to public procurement as they belong to public administrations. Some of them showed their interest in the project outcomes.
[Download] - [External Link]


[04/05/2016] - PPI4WASTE Meet the market event in Zagreb, Croatia.
Koprivnika presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at PPI4WASTE Meet the market event in Croatia «Promotion of innovations for resource efficiency and waste management in public procurement».
Within the project PPI4Waste, Zagreb City Holding organised a conference entitled “Promotion of public procurement of innovation for waste treatment”. This conference addressed municipal companies, experts in the field, local authorities and academic institutions. City of koprivnica made a presentation of LIFE FUTURE Project on the conference since it deals with recource efficiency and green public procurement which is the topic covered on the event. 
[Download] - [External Link]


[27/04/2016] - JORNADAD RETO SOCIAL in Valencia, Spain.
INNDEA presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at Jornada Reto Social.
Workshop to exchange experiences about the introduction of social clauses and innovative public procurement Life Future was explained as a good practice in a public administration for sustainable procurement. Inndea gave information about the website of the project. The attendees came from the City Councils of Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza and Murcia. 
[Download] - [External Link]


[27/04/2016] - 8th Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns in Bilbao, Spain.
ACR+ presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at 8th conference on sustainable cities and towns.
The 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns focused on the pressing need for action by local governments to change unsustainable pathways and shape Europe’s future. Following the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement adopted by 195 countries at the Climate Conference of the Parties (COP 21). Most of the attendees were public authorities at national, regional and local level, research institutes and universities. ACR + exhibited in the stand a poster of the LIFE FUTURE Project where all the participants had the occasion to see it. Also leaflets have been distributed
[Download] - [External Link]


[21/04/2016] - SEMINAR: “Trends and opportunities for environmental innovation in plastic materials and products” in Cali, Colombia.
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project at seminar “Trends and opportunities for environmental innovation in plastic materials and products”.
AIMPLAS attended the seminar was aimed at presenting projects related to plastic materials, sustainability and innovation. AIMPLAS made a presentation within the conference “Ecodesign with plastic and carbon footprint” where LIFE FUTURE was shown. Attendees requested additional information regarding public procurement and its implementation in Europe.
[Download] - [External Link]


[15/04/2016] - II Congreso de ciudades inteligentes (Smart cities) in Madrid, Spain.
AIJU presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at II Congreso de ciudades inteligentes (Smart cities).
Participants discussed many issues of great importance in the field of SMART cities, with issues such as social innovation; government, economics and citizenship; habitability, intelligent management of infrastructure and public services; smart tourist destinations, islands and rural areas and intelligent energy efficiency and environmental management, among others. The attendees came from public administration, Architects/Engineers/ Planners, solution providers and systems, etc. People AIJU explained and gave information to each congress participants involved in environmental issues, including public administration who they were interested in LIFE FUTURE Project.
[Download] - [External Link]


[30/03/2016] - SMART CITIES THINK TANK in Valencia, Spain.
Workshop about integral solutions and guides of energetic efficiency.The participants were AVAESEN and InnDEA Valencia Talk about energy efficient models for the cities, Smart Cities and innovative projects. They also shared innovative projects and good solutions and good practices. Inndea explained the work it does about energy, and Life Future was one of the projects explained. In the event, Inndea explained the Life Future Project and its objectives to enterprises, public administrations that attended.
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[11/03/2016] - I CONGRESO COGITCV in Valencia, Spain.
INNDEA presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at I Congreso COGITCV.
Congress "The diversity of the profession Graduate in Engineering” speak about Innovation, Smarts cities and the project. Inndea presented its strategy about innovation and Smart city to the engineers that attended. Inndea was invited to make the opening keynote. We had the opportunity to explain our work with European projects, innovative projects and smart city. The participants were people from InnDEA Valencia, the Official Telecommunications Association and university. InnDEA used a power point presentation with information about Life Future, among others. 
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[08/03/2016] - Expo alcaldía in Zaragoza, Spain
AIJU presented the LIFE FUTURE Project at Expoalcaldía in Zaragoza.
  Expoalcaldía confirms its commitment to the future of sustainable urban development, where urban equipment and services companies meet the needs of a society which is progressing and is demanding solutions from those responsible for planning and projecting cities. The attendees came from local government mayors and councilors, municipal technical experts,etc. People AIJU explained and gave information to each exhibitor at the fair involved in environmental issues, including public administration about the scope of the LIFE FUTURE Project.
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[17/12/2015] - AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project at ECOFIRA 2016.
LIFE FUTURE – La compra pública verde llega a los municipios españoles.
Presentation of the project in the journal Equipamientos y Servicios Municipales,which is a technical journal on management, projection and current affairs in the field of services and equipment for municipalities. It provides relevant information on urban planning, environment, energy efficiency, smartcities, and so forth, at the municipal level.
[Download] - [External Link]


[05/11/2015] - FuturENVIRO 2015
LIFE FUTURE - A new tool will allow city councils to choose sustainable urban furniture
Presentation of the project in the journal FuturENVIRO, which is a technical journal aimed at the dissemination of projects, technologies and current developments in the environment sector.
[Download] - [External Link]


[05/11/2015] - CONAMA 2015
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project at CONAMA Local 2015
AIMPLAS attended CONAMA Local 2015, which was held in Málaga (Spain) on 7-8 October 2015, and presented the LIFE FUTURE project. CONAMA Local is a forum for discussion and work among professionals from all stakeholders in order to engage in the discussion of sustainability to local and regional governments, businesses, technology platforms and the third sector and encourage more active participation in commitments to the fight against climate change and other environmental problems.
[Download] - [External Link]


[26/10/2015] - Made from Plastic & Ecofira 2015
AIMPLAS presented the LIFE FUTURE project at MADE FROM PLASTIC 2015
AIMPLAS organised MADE FROM PLASTIC, the First Hall entirely dedicated to plastic solutions, which was held in Valencia (Spain) on 21-22 October 2015 in parallel to ECOFIRA - 13th International Fair on Environmental Solutions. The LIFE FUTURE project was presented in a poster exhibition area.
[Download] - [External Link]


AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery