In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

07/07/2022 - 5 digital solutions for a greener Europe
05/07/2022 - El modelo actual de log?stica urbana no es sostenible, requiere orden, una normativa adaptada y colaboraci?n p?blico-privada
05/07/2022 - nova Experts Introduced: Mika Plum, M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
05/07/2022 - PCG and AFES Join Forces to Promote Circular Economy
01/07/2022 - @Molecor La nueva Molecor se enfoca en el uso eficiente del agua
01/07/2022 - ACCIONA renueva el contrato de servicios urbanos de Torrevieja por otros 15 a?os
01/07/2022 - Jos? Manuel Entrecanales: ?Renewable generation must be radically strengthened?
24/06/2022 - Overair receives $145 million investment from Hanwha Group to develop all-electric VTOL aircraft
24/06/2022 - We need to radically rethink how we design
21/06/2022 - The Vall?s School of Architecture presents a construction prototype made from corn and sunflower stalks
17/06/2022 - VTT Develops Transparent Cellulose Film as An Alternative to Traditional Packaging Films
15/06/2022 - IsoTruss expands operations with new facility in Philippines
14/06/2022 - Convierten 5.200 kg de basuras marinas en 15 bancos
09/06/2022 - AIMPLAS Announces Projects to Recycle Marine Plastic Waste on World Oceans Day
08/06/2022 - AIMPLAS emphasises the importance of continuing to remove plastics from the sea on World Oceans Day
08/06/2022 - Lawsuit targets California plastic bag recycling claims
07/06/2022 - EIT convoca un premio europeo para startups de la econom?a circular
06/06/2022 - Isa Buitenhuis Winner of the SMC BMC Design Award 2022 – ?Sustainable Living?
03/06/2022 - Banco Santander reciclar? las tarjetas bancarias para fabricar mobiliario urbano
02/06/2022 - EU-Agrarreform: Kritik der Kommission kommt ?zdemir gelegen
News: 1428 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery