In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

09/09/2019 - Vitoria-Gasteiz opta al Global Green City Award
09/09/2019 - Bricks, reimagined
05/09/2019 - Alcorc?n convertir? sus residuos pl?sticos en mobiliario urbano para la ciudad
04/09/2019 - Entra en vigor la normativa de medici?n RDE para emisiones de NOx
02/09/2019 - La Comisi?n concede a veinte ciudades subvenciones para proyectos innovadores en el ?mbito digital, la seguridad, el medio ambiente y la inclusi?n.
14/08/2019 - Lanxess at K 2019 with six business units - New mobility, urbanization and digitalization in the spotlight
14/08/2019 - Plaxtech supply in China - Roteax ready for the circular economy
08/08/2019 - Massive fire breaks out at Exxon Mobil refinery in Texas
24/07/2019 - “Toxic Textiles” Report Finds Many Top US Apparel Retailers Coming Up Short
24/07/2019 - Solvay???s High Strength LFT Compounds for World???s First All-Plastic Recyclable e-bike
18/07/2019 - Plaxtech supply in China - Roteax ready for the circular economy
18/07/2019 - Lanxess at K 2019 with six business units - New mobility, urbanization and digitalization in the spotlight
15/07/2019 - K 2019: LANXESS' New Polymers & Technologies to Boost Sustainable Mobility & Digitalization
10/07/2019 - Chevron Phillips, Qatar Petroleum consider $8B US Gulf Coast ethylene, PE project
02/07/2019 - ASEPA elabora un informe sobre la transición a una movilidad sostenible
27/06/2019 - Efficiency for Circular Economy
24/06/2019 - Polypropylene Fibers Market - Gobal Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2019-2024: Rising Demand From Automotive, Construction, and Furniture -
21/06/2019 - Airbus, ADP and RATP sign a partnership to study the integration of flying vehicles into urban transport
13/06/2019 - High-gloss LFT compounds deployed in all-plastic electric bike
12/06/2019 - AkzoNobel apuesta por los recubrimientos en polvo aún más sostenibles
News: 1430 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery