In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

27/12/2021 - Wavin, Orbia’s Building & Infrastructure Business, Joins Forces with Vectus to Provide the Indian Market with Access to Water and Sanitation Solutions
24/12/2021 - Fire at ExxonMobil Baytown Facility Injures 4; Production Impact Unknown
24/12/2021 - New Tetra Pak recycling points installed in Tendring, UK
23/12/2021 - Israel's Starplast to open second US molding plant
22/12/2021 - 3A Composites Core Materials is committed to the sustainable development of indigenous communities and responsible forestry
20/12/2021 - Learnings from setting up the JRC Future Mobility Solutions Living LabLearnings from setting up the JRC Future Mobility Solutions Living Lab
14/12/2021 - Skye Aviation orders additional Bye Aerospace eFlyer 800s
14/12/2021 - Australia launches recycling app to help reduce landfill waste
06/12/2021 - Tank Holding to close plant, move equipment, jobs
06/12/2021 - 50 % weight reduction with composite part for automotive rear seat back
02/12/2021 - Efficient and clean grinding in blow moulding
29/11/2021 - El 50% de las medidas de ecodise?o aplicadas a los envases en los ?ltimos tres a?os reduce o elimina el pl?stico y otros materiales
29/11/2021 - Headliner substrate made of waste plastics, tyres
29/11/2021 - CMG Granulators: Complete new system solutions for blow moulding applications
03/11/2021 - UK???s biggest collaborative approach to recycling on-the-go arrives in Telford and Wrekin
27/10/2021 - Novel type of biodegradable tree shelter begins UK-wide field testing and initial commercial sales ahead of COP26
14/10/2021 - AIMPLAS inicia 11 proyectos para investigar en materia de ciudades y transporte sostenibles, industria 4.0, cuidado de la salud y del medio ambiente
13/10/2021 - Aimplas inicia 11 proyectos para investigar en materia de ciudades y transporte sostenibles, Industria 4.0, cuidado de la salud y del medio ambiente
12/10/2021 - Worldwide Extruded Polystyrene Industry to 2026 - Increasing Demand from Residential Segments is Driving Growth -
08/10/2021 - motan swift - a new product brand of the motan group
News: 1428 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery