In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

13/02/2023 - Firmamos un acuerdo con Nissan para promover la movilidad sostenible en Italia
13/02/2023 - The Dirty Vegan challenges Wales to recycle more food waste to power more homes
07/02/2023 - Environmental charity teams up with McDonald?s to increase public recycling
06/02/2023 - Plastic Supplies Dudley gains sustainability certification
03/02/2023 - University of Coimbra joins project to create a European Network for Circular Bioeconomy
01/02/2023 - ACCIONA lanza 111 viviendas sostenibles de alto nivel en A Coru?a
01/02/2023 - Los envases reutilizables deben usarse entre 4 y 13 veces para tener menos impacto ambiental que los desechables
27/01/2023 - Antolin Vivar, el nuevo interior del veh?culo by Grupo Antol
09/01/2023 - Stellantis to Build Electric VTOL Aircraft with Archer
06/01/2023 - Stellantis to build electric aircraft with Archer
06/01/2023 - 2023: what are the current trends in smart waste management'
05/01/2023 - Stellantis to build Midnight eVTOL aircraft with Archer
03/01/2023 - AIMPLAS' Portable Materials Recovery Facilities to Improve Waste Management
28/12/2022 - La industria cervecera reduce el uso del agua en su proceso de producci?n
21/12/2022 - La recicladora argentina Reciclar S.A. ampl?a su capacidad de procesamiento a 600 millones de botellas de pl?stico al a?o gracias a los equipos de TOMRA
09/12/2022 - Woodly Partners With Finland?s Railway Company VR Group
05/12/2022 - Freedonia Group Predicts Adhesives and Sealants Market to Reach $81 Billion by 2025
29/11/2022 - El proyecto europeo SEMPRE-BIO demostrar? nuevas v?as rentables de producir biometano
24/11/2022 - Dow Selects Distributor for Elastomeric Roof Coatings in North America
24/11/2022 - Eisenia foetida y Lumbricus terrestres exhiben una elevada actividad enzim?tica degradadora de pl?sticos
News: 1428 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery