In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

18/01/2019 - Alliance members call project: 'A global organization set up for action'
15/01/2019 - Loop Industries, thyssenkrupp partner to shape future of PET plastic manufacturing
14/01/2019 - AMRC adds 3D premeability measurement bench
09/01/2019 - A smartphone wireless charging pad made of wood and carbon fibers composite
09/01/2019 - AMRC Composites Centre Adds 3D Permeability Measurement Bench to its Capabilities
07/01/2019 - Loop, Thyssenkrupp join forces for recycling
22/11/2018 - Adhesives & Sealants - Global Market Outlook to 2026 by Technology, End-user and Geography -
21/11/2018 - BASF Develops Electric Concept Cars for Future Mobility with GAC R&D Center
21/11/2018 - BASF cooperates with Chinese OEM on concept cars for future mobility
20/11/2018 - BASF and GAC R&D Center co-develop concept cars for future mobility
15/11/2018 - Novamont and Gruppo CAP join forces to promote the circular economy 
15/11/2018 - Joint development - The first shelter with recycled plastic from the river Po
15/11/2018 - WFO unveils first recycled plastic shelter
13/11/2018 - CSR : a responsible production
08/11/2018 - Acquisition of UK company Permavoid / Wider presence in surface water management
06/11/2018 - Interview with Gael Lavaud on its innovative chassis
05/11/2018 - Electric bikes, scooters make most of TPE for anti-rattle overmolding
30/10/2018 - De la huerta a la puerta. Hacia nuevos sistemas de producción sostenibles
24/10/2018 - How to submit your product on the GUF tool
24/10/2018 - Practicando con la GUF Tool en Koprivnica y Valencia
News: 1430 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery