In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

10/07/2018 - New Blender Incorporates Gain-in-Weight Bin, Loss-in-Weight Mix Chamber
26/06/2018 - "Siempre hay vertederos cerca, pero no plantas de reciclaje"
26/06/2018 - Ampliación del vertedero controlado del Pla de l’Estany (Girona)
22/06/2018 - ICC to acquire Easyperm for 3D permeability measurement
21/06/2018 - Future mobility and human needs inspire BASFâ??s 2018-19 Automotive Color Trends
20/06/2018 - Primer Congreso de Reciclaje Plástico en Lima se destacó por sus programas de sostenibilidad
20/06/2018 - BASF expands its global insecticide portfolio
20/06/2018 - Europes first 3D printed house to take up residence in Milans iconic Piazza Cesare Beccaria this April
19/06/2018 - Gipuzkoa desperdicia 123.000 toneladas de alimentos al año
19/06/2018 - NFL Joins the Green Sports Alliance as a League Member 
18/06/2018 - PRS recibe el Premio Europeo de Medio Ambiente a la Empresa en Espaà±a
18/06/2018 - PRS recibe el Premio Europeo de Medio Ambiente a la Empresa en España
13/06/2018 - Solvay unveils the transformation project of its Brussels headquarters and ambition for its Campus
13/06/2018 - Uflex focusing on Resource Optimized Packaging for Essential Indian Staples
13/06/2018 - How nanotechnology will change the construction industry
13/06/2018 - ABB celebrates pioneering e-mobility innovation with ABB Formula E race in Zurich
13/06/2018 - Valoriza Medioambiente se adjudica la recogida de residuos y limpieza viaria de Melilla por 53,4 millones
13/06/2018 - Martà­n Mena lanza sus fuentes urbanas de plà¡stico reciclado de la serie â??Hérculesâ??
13/06/2018 - ABB makes a gift of 30 fast-charging stations to the people of Zurich
13/06/2018 - Liverpool, a frontrunner city in re-naturing public spaces
News: 1430 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery