In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

19/06/2020 - The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (the Alliance) and the USAID collaborate to tackle ocean plastic pollution
19/06/2020 - ReNew ELP steps up to the bench in the House of Commons
21/05/2020 - ?Cu?les son los impactos del COVID-19 en la industria del reciclaje?
08/05/2020 - On the Cusp of a Transportation Transformation
15/04/2020 - Italian research agency fights COVID-19 with smart shelters using biocomposites
07/04/2020 - OceanSafe ? im Einklang mit der Natur - Bio-based News -
02/04/2020 - Tank Holding buys rotomolder Meese for 10th acquisition
31/03/2020 - Composite hospital shelter in development to combat coronavirus
12/03/2020 - VinylPlus Sustainability Forum 2020: #CIRCULARVINYL
11/03/2020 - Recycled Plastic Bottles are Fashionable, Literally
06/03/2020 - French initiative on low carbon construction - Bio-based News -
05/03/2020 - La instalaci?n Sandwaves, creada con fabricaci?n aditiva de arena.
25/02/2020 - VinylPlus Sustainability Forum 2020 se enfocará en la circularidad del vinilo
13/02/2020 - SAMPE Summit 20 Paris agenda finalized
06/02/2020 - Renault lanza un motor h?brido enchufable para su gama de modelos M?gane
04/02/2020 - Mecelec Composites diseña los primeros techos de fibra de lino para 550 columnas ?Morris?
30/01/2020 - Toyota supera el mill?n de unidades vendidas en Europa
24/01/2020 - La Xunta ofrecer? ayudas a los ayuntamientos para impulsar la red gallega de la reutilizaci?n
23/01/2020 - From oil & gas to plasmix recycling - Saipem tests a technology for the disposal and the reuse of unsorted heterogeneous plastic
22/01/2020 - Recreus, el fabricante espa?ol de filamento 3D
News: 1430 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery