In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the LIFE FUTURE project topic.

12/04/2022 - Do you toss biodegradable plastic in the compost bin? Here's why it might not break down
11/04/2022 - Turning Carbon Dioxide into Sustainable Fuel: United and Oxy Low Carbon Ventures Announce Collaboration with Biotech Firm to Create New Fuel Sources
06/04/2022 - C?mo los residuos alimentarios podr?an convertirse en envases biodegradables
31/03/2022 - How do Elastomers Improve the Properties of Bio-Polymers?
29/03/2022 - OHLA logra un nuevo hito en EE.UU. en el marco del proyecto ferroviario de Elmont Station
22/03/2022 - Commission presents four proposals for more sustainable travel
18/03/2022 - An exclusive interview with John Bell, EU Commission: ?The bioeconomy can support the European Green Deal on all its objectives?
17/03/2022 - Upcycling Discarded Plastic Bottles into Advanced Materials for Carbon Capture
17/03/2022 - New RUD TECDOS TMB Tool-Mover Bench
17/03/2022 - ELSAN se adjudica un contrato de conservaci?n de carreteras en el sur de Valencia por 26 millones de euros
15/03/2022 - New uses for UK?s 500,000 single-use coffee cups
15/03/2022 - Scientists Convert Discarded PET into Porous Carbon for CO2 Capture
14/03/2022 - AIMPLAS convierte residuos alimentarios en nuevos materiales biodegradables para envases
09/03/2022 - Medidas de ecodise?o de las empresas adheridas a Ecoembes
07/03/2022 - AIMPLAS obtiene el sello CALCULO del Ministerio para 2019 y 2020 como parte de su compromiso con la descarbonizaci?n
07/03/2022 - Bolt Mobility Secures Strategic Investment From Ram Charan
04/03/2022 - El Gobierno Vasco subvenciona 40 proyectos innovadores de ecodise?o y econom?a circular
03/03/2022 - MATRIC to Establish First and Only National Center of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Process Design
02/03/2022 - Tubex: Tree shelters augur success for tree-planting initiatives
01/03/2022 - Plastic labeling needs 'sustainability scale,' says new report
News: 1428 - Nº Pages 72
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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery