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Update on criteria for green furniture procurement by the European Commission

The voluntary EU GPP criteria for furniture have been revised in 2017 to introduce, in addition to classic furniture purchasing, sections on the procurement of furniture refurbishment and of end-of-life services. Those new areas aim at prolonging the life span of furniture items, thus reflecting a reinforcement of circular economy aspects in EU GPP criteria.

The use of the criteria has the potential to considerably reduce environmental impacts from furniture and their costs. Some of the most likely impacts of the application of GPP criteria in furniture procurement activities are expected to foster circular economy aspects and are the following:
• Increasing awareness of procurers of the potential for furniture refurbishment services;
• Encouraging innovation in furniture companies in terms of design for disassembly, and partial replacement of components;
• Fostering skills development in furniture repair, renovation and responsible End-of-Life (EoL) disposal;
• Reduction of the quantities of furniture waste sent to landfill as products become easier to separate.

You can find the different criteria, related to furniture but not only, on the EU GPP criteria page of the European Commission:

» Author: LIFE FUTURE newsletter

» Publication Date: 12/03/2018


» Source:

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