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ICLEI-led 10YFP working group to support SPP in East Asia

Working group 1A, led by ICLEI as part of the 10YFP on Sustainable Procurement, has selected 4 local governments in China and 1 in the Republic of Korea to support their procurement of eco-innovative products and services. In addition to practical support for procurement, WG1A aims to build on and strengthen an existing network of local authorities on Green Public Procurement (GPP) in East Asia, and work with local governments to monitor the impact of GPP.

In November 2017, Guiyang City, the first city in China to initiate and implement local regulations on circular economy and ecological civilization, signed a political endorsement to show its strong commitment in joining WG1A project as a project pilot along with 3 other Chinese jurisdictions (Binhai New District, Guangming New District, Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone) and 1 Korean city (Suwon City) to scale up GPP uptake at local level.

At the beginning of 2018, ICLEI in cooperation with KEITI will measure and quantify the energy savings and GHGs reduction through GPP in Suwon City. For more information on the group's activities and objectives, visit the working group webpage or contact Mr. Philipp Tepper at

» Publication Date: 12/01/2018

» Source: SP Platform

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