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New EU GPP criteria for paints, varnishes and road-markings

The European Commission's DG Environment has released new Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria for paints, varnishes and road markings. The voluntary criteria, which cover both products and works, are aimed at prolonging the longevity and reducing the environmental impact of the production of products, proposes standards for public authorities to use in tendering.

A report commissioned by the European Commission found that 26% of the total EU paint market is procured by the public sector, the majority for social housing. The Commission seeks to use the criteria to promote circular economy approaches as a means of minimising the impact of production; reducing products' hazardous properties; promoting durable paints and road markings; and incentivising the minimisation of product wastage, including reuse and recycling.

The criteria are divided into core criteria for easy application of GPP and comprehensive criteria to support public authorities already using GPP to improve their environmental performance. The criteria, in English, will be translated into other official languages in the coming months.

For more information and to download the criteria, visit the European Commission's GPP website.

» Publication Date: 29/01/2018

» Source: SP Platform

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