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Eight new SPP networks join the SPP Regions project

Eight new sustainable public procurement networks have joined the SPP Regions project, committing to sustainability, working together at developing regional supply bases, increasing public sector's influence on market engagement activities and using joint procurement to benefit from economies of scale.

The new networks cover and include the Piedmont region and Salento, a subregion of the region of Apulia (Italy); some Italian metropolitan cities, such as Milan, Bologna, Roma and Catania; Catalonia, Andalusia and the Balearic Islands (Spain); Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Finland) and the London Responsible Procurement Network (UK).

The SPP Regions project, coordinated by ICLEI, promotes the creation and expansion of European regional networks of municipalities working together on sustainable public procurement (SPP) and public procurement of innovation (PPI). The project offers support in setting up networks and welcomes new participant cities, networks, regions and municipalities.

For more information or join the project, visit the project's website or contact the ICLEI coordination team at

» Publication Date: 31/01/2018

» Source: SP Platform

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