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Targeted consultation on social procurement open until 1 March

The European Commission's targeted consultation on the scope and structure of a Commission guide on socially responsible public procurement is accepting responses until 1March 2018. The new guide will replace the Buying Social guidance released in 2011, and will be fully updated for the post-2014 Directives legislative environment. The Commission's DG GROW is responding to calls for guidance and best practice, particularly from within the social economy sector, to use public procurement to deliver better conditions for workers, including disabled and otherwise disadvantaged people.

The consultation is targeted at those engaged in the policy and practice of socially responsible public procurement, including central and local government authorities and from civil society. The consultation follows the Commission Communication 'Making public procurement work in and for Europe' in October 2017 which identifies strategic public procurement in pursuit of economic, social and environmental goals.

Responses can be given online, in any of the 23 official EU languages, through the European Commission's consultations platform.

For more information, visit the DG GROW website.

» Publication Date: 01/02/2018

» Source: SP Platform

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