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Oslo's climate budget and procurement strategy tackle GHGs

Procura+ network participant Oslo's 2018 'climate budget' has identified procurement as a key focus area in a wide-ranging environmental strategy aimed at significantly reducing the cities GHG emissions by 2020. The budget, which foregrounds green mobility and active transport over car use, is complemented by a comprehensive procurement strategy. Both plans are now available to download in English.

Oslo's procurement strategy, launched in October 2017 forms a cross-cutting part of its overall environmental policy, addresses goods, services, buildings and construction in the city, which is Norway's second biggest procurer. The governing mayor of Oslo Johansen has presented the strategy at COP23 as a member of the Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement as a powerful tool to achieve emissions targets.

The strategy identifies the need to build expertise within the city on resource planning, needs analysis, purchasing and engendering a culture of coordination among the city's departments. The procurement strategy is to be followed by an overall implementation plan, to ensure anchoring and active implementation of the procurement strategy in municipal departments and other agencies.

Both the climate budget and procurement strategy are available to download on the SP Platform's resource centre.

» Publication Date: 28/02/2018

» Source: SP Platform

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