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Global city networks announce 'One Planet Charter' on Paris Agreement

ICLEI "“ Local Governments for Sustainability, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, and the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy have announced the One Planet Charter to accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement through innovative, sustainable public procurement, and other policy measures, in cities and local governments across the world at the One Planet Summit in Paris (France) on 12 December.

The One Planet Charter builds on the Bonn-Fiji commitment at the COP23 international climate conference in November and sustainable procurement initiatives such as ICLEI's Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement and the 100% Renewable Energy Cities & Regions Campaign, as well as C40 Cities' Fossil Fuel Free Streets. Through the Charter, cities will commit to specific climate action and innovation to drive investment, sustainable public procurement, and policy decisions in renewable energy, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, and efforts for zero emission buildings and zero waste.

Seoul Mayor, ICLEI President, Global Covenant of Mayors Board Member and Chair of the Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement Park Won Soon demonstrated the need for innovation to underpin the Charter's goals, "I encourage all Mayors to join this commitment campaign to mobilize the huge demand-side power of cities, and drive the market for sustainable infrastructure, products and services worldwide to accelerate climate action through ambitious GHG reduction targets and robust adaptation strategies."

The Charter is being announced on the two-year anniversary of the Paris Agreement, and is aimed at giving cities momentum to realise ambitious global climate goals through public and private sector collaboration and sustainable public procurement.

For more information, read the press release on the ICLEI Europe website.

Image copyright: Image (ICLEI e.V)

» Source: Innovation Procurement

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