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Country factsheets on global SPP published

The 10YFP on Sustainable Procurement has published a collection of 40 "Factsheets on Sustainable Public Procurement in national governments" as a supplement to its 2017 Global Review of Sustainable Public Procurement released in June 2017. The factsheets, which each provide country-specific information on SPP, illustrate the current state of sustainable public procurement (SPP) policies, activities, programmes, and monitoring and evaluation systems in national governments around the world.

The factsheets collate 40 national governments' responses to a questionnaire developed in the framework of the research conducted for the 2017 Global Review, and notes that while SPP policies vary widely between national governments across the globe, international networks working on SPP play a crucial role in its advancement and uptake worldwide.

The Global Review published in July 2017 featured Procura+ network participant Ghent (Belgium) as a good practice case study, and explores the progress made in terms of SPP in the past three years at a global scale, highlighting regional trends.

For more information and to download the factsheets, visit the 10YFP's SCP Clearing House website.

» Publication Date: 26/09/2017

» Source: SP Platform

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