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2017 Procura+ Awards finalists announced

Six finalists for the 2017 Procura+ Awards have been announced, representing outstanding sustainable and innovation procurements carried out in Europe. All six are competing across three award categories: 'Sustainable Procurement of the Year', 'Innovation Procurement of the Year', and 'Tender Procedure of the Year'.

The finalists are ATC Torino (Home Territory Agency of Central Piedmont, Italy) for building energy performance solutions; the Netherlands Institute for Safety for sustainable fire service clothing; Hyvinkà¤à¤ Municipality (Finland), for its eco-labelled pre-school building; Public Health Wales (UK) for remanufacture of office furnishings; City of Lahti (Finland) for asphalt from waste roofing materials; and Ministry of Defence Netherlands for procurement of textiles from recycled fibres.

The winners will be announced and the awards presented as part of the Third Major eafip Event on Innovation Procurement in Tallinn (Estonia) on 17 October. The finalists were chosen after extensive deliberations of a jury comprised of procurement experts Philippe le Quement (DG Growth), Maria Pagel Fray and Casper Marott (City of Copenhagen, Denmark), Paula Trindade (LNEG), Floris den Boer (PIANOo), and Philipp Tepper (ICLEI "“ Local Governments for Sustainability).

Jury member Philippe le Quement said: "We were incredibly impressed by the quality of applications to this year's awards and it was a real pleasure to learn more about the impressive strides being taken across Europe in innovative and sustainable procurement."

The category 'Innovation Procurement of the Year' acknowledges PPI and public authorities as launch customers, while 'Sustainable Procurement of the Year' rewards the outstanding environmental, social and economic impacts of a procurement. 'Tender Procedure of the Year' recognises exceptional approaches to sustainable and innovation procurement.

Initiated and co-ordinated by ICLEI, Procura+ is a network of European public authorities and regions that connect, exchange and act on sustainable and innovation procurement.

For more information on the finalists, visit the Procura+ website.Image copyright: Procura+ Award Trophy by "Bill Watts" more   7 September 2017 Circular and Innovation Procurement to be highlighted at Estonian EU Presidency eventsThe Estonian Presidency of the EU in the second half of 2017 will host two major European procurement conferences from 17-19 October in Tallinn (Estonia), highlighting Circular Procurement and Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI). Since the first Circular Procurement Congress in April 2016 the topic of the transition to a Circular Economy has enjoyed increased focus at the EU level, resulting in a growing number of projects and initiatives involving local governments and the mainstreaming of the Circular Procurement concept.

The Conference on Innovation Procurement, hosted by eafip on 17-18 October, will host the 2017 edition of the Procura+ Awards for Sustainable Innovation and Procurement. The conference will bring together policy makers, public procurers and innovators to discuss major ICT-related innovation procurement initiatives across Europe.

The Circular Procurement Congress will address the key developments and current initiatives in Circular Procurement through presentations from the Estonian Government and the European Commission and ICLEI, as well as Procura+ network participants Rijkswaterstaat and Aalborg (Denmark). The event, taking place on 18-19 October, will have 'Market Lounge' group discussions and conclude with a keynote address by David Peck from the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability (CfS).

A Circular Procurement Interest Group has been established by the Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network, coordinated by ICLEI, to foster discussion and exchange on the topic among cities, local governments and regional networks. The Interest Group is currently open to new members and is focused on seeking to identify product and service groups to pilot circular procurement projects, incorporate non-conventional business models within tenders, and engaging markets to deliver products based on circular economy principles.

Mark Hidson, Global Director of ICLEI's Sustainable Procurement Centre and speaker at the Circular Procurement Congress, said:

"Using Circular Economy methodology in the context of public procurement has significant potential as a means to achieve social and environmental goals with impact across all European cities and regions. Public procurement represents 19% of European GDP, giving public authorities the leverage to be at the heart of the transition from the linear 'make, use, dispose' economy to a sustainable, circular model."

Online registration is available for the Conference on Innovation Procurement and the Circular Procurement Congress.

For more information and to join the Procura+ Circular Procurement Interest Group, contact copyright: Sourced from Pixabay more

» Publication Date: 15/09/2017

» Source: Iclei Europe

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