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Design of protein-polysaccharide multi-scale composite interfaces to modify lipid digestion


Excessive lipid intake is related to the increasing risk of several human chronic diseases. Simple lipid reduction leads to poor taste of food, which cannot be accepted by consumers. Rational design of food O/W emulsion structure to inhibit lipid digestion is considered to be an effective way to maintain diet healthy without reducing sensory quality.

» Author: Chanchan Sun, Man Zhang, Xirui Zhang, Zikun Li, Yaxian Guo, Hongjun He, Bin Liang, Xiulian Li, Changjian Ji

» Publication Date: 01/09/2022

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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery