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Swancor EzCiclo recyclable resin is selected by the Spanish automotive brand Liux

According to Bloomberg estimates, global electric vehicle sales will grow significantly in the next few years. It will reach 30 million units in 2030 and 60 million units in 2040 (accounting for 55% of the total new car market). This growth trend is mainly due to policy support in various countries, advancements in battery technology, and increasing consumer demand for eco-friendly vehicles.

Spain’s Liux, which presents itself as a sustainable mobility startup disrupting the design and manufacture of electric vehicles with bio-based bodies, modularity, and 3D printing, has announced the industrialisation project of its latest model, the Liux Geko, a lightweight urban vehicle. 

This vehicle reduces the CO2 footprint throughout its useful life by 40% compared to the most efficient electric car, and up to 80% compared to a gasoline SUV. ?The Liux Geko is designed with a bio-based upper chassis and flax fibre body, “which enable a leap in sustainability, reducing weight while ensuring structural and safety properties“, according to the brand.

Cover photo: The Liux Geko car (source: Liux).

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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
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