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Auckland Transport’s Fareshare initiative promotes sustainable commuting

Auckland Transport’s Fareshare initiative is gaining traction among businesses, offering a way to subsidise employees’ public transport costs and reduce carbon emissions.

Credit: Auckland Transport

Auckland Transport (AT) has announced that it is extending its Fareshare programme, offering a new approach for employers to subsidise their staff’s public transportation costs, aiming to reduce carbon footprints and improve mobility in the city. The initiative has garnered significant support from businesses eager to provide sustainable transit options to their employees.

Fareshare allows employers to subsidise a portion of their employees’ public transport expenses, providing an attractive alternative to expensive city parking. This initiative aligns with businesses’ sustainability goals, attracting and retaining talent while contributing to environmental targets.

The success of Fareshare during its trial phase has prompted AT to expand the scheme to any Auckland-based business with five or more employees. Genesis Energy, an early adopter since relocating its office, has seen tangible benefits. The impact on emissions is striking, with the company estimating a reduction of approximately 127 tonnes of CO2.

Fareshare participants benefit from subsidised rates of 25%, 50%, or 75% loaded onto an AT HOP card, making public transit more affordable. The programme is exempt from fringe benefit tax, easing the administrative burden for participating businesses.

Electrifying public transport in Auckland City (T?maki Makaurau)

Richard Harrison, General Manager Growth and Optimisation at AT, said: ?It?s an attractive employee benefit scheme and affordable for any size business as you are only billed when the card is used. Subsidised public transport provided to staff via Fareshare is also exempt from fringe benefit tax.”

With Fareshare, Auckland Transport aims to alleviate road congestion, enhance travel efficiency and foster a greener, more sustainable urban environment. Employers interested in Fareshare can find detailed information on AT’s website or can contact them by email?for inquiries.

The expansion of Fareshare reflects Auckland’s efforts towards sustainable mobility and presents an opportunity for businesses interested in improving employee benefits and supporting environmental stewardship.

» Publication Date: 06/05/2024

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