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SeaBubbles taxi

The commercial operation is part of a sustainable transport project operating near the picturesque Lake Annecy in the south east of France. This includes an electric shuttle service, free seasonal buses and self-service bicycles, with the SeaBubble now joining the mix for the next couple of months.

The 5 x 2.5-m (16.4 x 8.2-ft) battery-electric water taxi can carry up to four passengers per trip, who sit face to face inside the automotive-inspired Bubble. The cabin can remain closed, or the mid-roof lifts up in two sections and the side windows open to soak in the surroundings.

Initially, the hull cuts through the water like a normal boat, but once it passes 7 knots (8 mph) it rises out of the water on hydrofoils in just a few seconds and motors towards a cruising speed of 13 knots (15 mph) for the promise of “an exhilarating journey as they glide smoothly across the water.” An onboard computer receives data from various sensors and instructs actuators to automatically adjust for roll, pitch and yaw.

“We are proud of the trust placed in us by the Grand Annecy urban community to set up the pilot line,” said Virginie Seurat, SeaBubbles CEO. “With this new eco-friendly, zero-carbon shuttle service, we intend to offer users of the line and residents of the conurbation not only a different relationship with the privileged natural setting of Lake Annecy, but also future options for easing traffic congestion on the shores of the lake.”

The company also offers its foiling water taxi in hydrogen fuel cell configurations, as well as a model that can accommodate between?eight and 12 passengers.

About SeaBubbles:
The SeaBubbles project is the brainchild of hydrofoiling yachtsman Alain Th?bault and champion windsurfer Anders Bringdal. Their vision of creating an eco-conscious transport solution for urban waterways has come to fruition with the support of D?cision (Switzerland), a specialist in the development and prototyping of complex composite structures, and Sicomin (France) a leading formulator and supplier of high performance epoxy systems.

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