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3A Composites Core Materials is committed to the sustainable development of indigenous communities and responsible forestry

The scope of the technical cooperation agreement is to provide the Achuar Nationality with the knowledge transfer regarding forestry and silviculture best practices. This includes the establishment of balsa plantations in the territory of Achuar (i.e. training in selection of suitable land, seed selection, land preparation and nursery), the maintenance of balsa wood plantation using silviculture best practices (i.e. thinning, clean up, plague and disease control procedures aligned with sustainable forestry guidelines, forestry inventory) and harvesting (i.e. quality criteria and usable volume estimations, sawmilling techniques, environmental and legal regulations for wood harvesting).

Achuar Nationality will be in charge of the entire operation with 3A Composites Core Materials as the provider of technical and legal assistance not involved in any commercial transaction of the wood resulting from their plantations. With more than 80 years of experience in mastering the industrial production of balsa wood, 3A Composites Core Materials is truly committed to ensure that neighboring communities as well as indigenous and native people can secure sustainable and responsible income for generations to come.

As a global leader in sustainable and reliable forestry management, the company is able to support preserving their territories as well as the biodiversity observing the use of land is not changed to agriculture or urban expansion. Due to unparalleled weight to mechanical properties ratio and incredible stiffness and lightweight, balsa wood is widely used in the renewable energy, marine, aerospace, automotive and building and construction industries. The company therefore owns and manages several hectares of FSC?-certified plantations in Ecuador and Papua New Guinea and ensures this way the sustainable, responsible and reliable balsa supply to the industrial markets globally.

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AIMPLAS Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico

C/ Gustave Eiffel, 4
(València Parc Tecnològic) - 46980
PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN


(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery