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Packaging container with improved discharge rate of capsule-shaped contents

A container for storing capsules and discharging them individually, including an upwardly open capsule-holding receptacle, a cap rotatably mounted on the receptacle, an upright discharge guide rod having one or plural outwardly opening vertical movement passages on its periphery, fixedly mounted in the receptacle, and a hollow cylinder concentrically surrounding the guide rod within the receptacle and coupled to the cap for rotation therewith. A thread on the inner surface of the cylinder faces and cooperates with the vertical movement passages to receive capsules admitted from the receptacle through an entry port in the cylinder and, as the cap is rotated, to raise the admitted capsules one by one to a central discharge port in the cap.

» Number: US2018099807A1 (A1)

» Publication Date: 12/04/2018

» Applicant: TOLY KOREA INC?[KR]

» Inventor: YEO SOO BIN?[KR]

» More Information

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Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery