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LIFE FUTURE project consortium is proud to announce that the GUF TOOL is now operative and ready to be used. Both prescribers and manufacturers of urban furniture dealing with Green Public Procurements are invited to use the GUF TOOL. The GUF TOOL makes environmental criteria selection for urban furniture easier but also provides a tool for calculating and comparing the impacts these products have. The selection of urban furniture products with lower environmental impacts is facilitated for public bodies and the inclusion of such benefits linked to their products is straightforward for manufacturers.

After great efforts from all partners, all the functionalities of the GUF TOOL are available and ready to be used. The DEMO version has reached the next level and the GUF TOOL functionalities designed at the beginning are fully operative. In addition to an easy selection of environmental criteria for urban furniture products, different templates have been created for manufacturers and providers to demonstrate their compliance with those criteria.
After deciding to conduct a Green Public Procurement process on urban furniture, a public administration can choose various criteria to be fulfilled by the product(s) they are willing to procure and attach them to the tender.  Manufacturers can then navigate the GUF TOOL, browse the active biddings, and post their offers of interest.

Example of search result for tenders in all EU regions

All users, may they be prescribers or manufacturers, have a personal space within the GUF TOOL, accessible only by themselves. There, they can manage their tenders/offers, documents and data. This dedicated section, titled My Menu, is thus a good tool to track Green Public Procurement processes.

Screenshot of My Menu section for tracking tenders/offers, documentation and data

All the steps for posting biddings and offers are described in detail in the user manuals available inside the GUF TOOL. A video-tutorial on “How to use the GUF TOOL” can also be consulted.

Different available ways for learning the way to use the GUF TOOL

Besides helping public authorities to select and validate environmental criteria for urban furniture products, the GUF TOOL provides manufactures with a methodology for submitting offers to each tender, then asking for different documentation to be provided (including some templates) and finally providing an environmental score for the submitted product: the aim is to improve the environmental impacts of Urban Furniture.
In that sense, virtual and real green public procurements are being conducted for different Urban Furniture products including several environmental criteria to be fulfilled. If you are a manufacturer you are invited to apply for them. If you are a prescriber, now you have the proper tool for selecting and assessing the environmental aspects of Urban Furniture.
The GUF TOOL’s functionalities will be soon presented during workshops taking place both in Koprivnica and Valencia: do not miss them!

Progresses of the project to date

» Author: LIFE FUTURE newsletter

» Publication Date: 24/10/2018


» Source:

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(+34) 96 136 60 40


Project Management department - Sustainability and Industrial Recovery